Saturday 8 February 2020

Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888 – 1970) – Italian Poet

Giuseppe Ungaretti was born in Alexandria in Egypt on 8th February 1888.  His family were from Italy – from the city of Lucca in Tuscany. Ungaretti's father worked on the excavation of the Suez Canal and had a fatal accident in 1890.

Giuseppe's formal education began in the French language, as he attended The Swiss International School in Alexandria. There he read poetry by Gabriele d'Annunzio, Charles Baudelaire, Jules Laforgue, Stéphane Mallarmé and Arthur Rimbaud.

In 1912, Giuseppe went to live in Paris in France.

When war broke out in 1914, Giuseppe enlisted in the Italian Infantry and saw action on the Italian Front.  While serving, he began to write poetry inspired by his experiences.

One of his famous poems regarding the First World War is “Soldati” (soldiers):

Si sta come
sugli alberi
le foglie

They’re like
The leaves
of the trees
in autumn

—Bois de Courton[22], July 1918 —M. Tanzy, November, 2015


Un'intera nottata
buttato vicino
a un compagno
con la sua bocca
volta al plenilunio
con la congestione
delle sue mani
nel mio silenzio
ho scritto
lettere piene d'amore

Non sono mai stato
attaccato alla vita

Composta giovedì 23 dicembre 1915

dal libro "L'Allegria" di Giuseppe Ungaretti Poesie d'Autore - da <>



A whole night
Snuggled close
to a slain colleague
with his clenched mouth
at the full moon
with his swollen
my silence
I wrote
letters filled with love

I have never been
attached to life.

Written at Cima Quattro, Thursday, 23rd December 1915

From "L'Allegria" (Tr. Cheerfulness) by Giuseppe Ungaretti, published in 1931

One of Ungaretti’s poems, carved in stone in the square of San Martino del Carso in Sagrado in the Province of Gorizia.

Works by Ungaretti:

Il porto sepolto ("The Buried Port", 1916 and 1923)
La guerra ("The War", 1919 and 1947)
Allegria di naufragi ("The Joy of Shipwrecks", 1919)
L'allegria ("The Joy", 1931)
Sentimento del tempo ("The Feeling of Time", 1933)
Traduzioni ("Translations", 1936)
Poesie disperse ("Scattered Poems", 1945)
Il dolore ("The Pain", 1947)
La terra promessa ("The Promised Land", 1950)
Un grido e paesaggi ("A Shout and Landscapes", 1952)
Il taccuino del vecchio ("The Old Man's Notebook", 1960)
Vita di un uomo ("The Life of a Man", 1969)